Saturday, October 29, 2011

Day 03 - My Favorite Place to Eat

It's really hard living in this beautiful community in the PNW to narrow it down to a favorite. I have two. Technically I actually have a favorite in each food category (thai, italian, etc.) But basically I have to give it to the number one place that truly impressed me. Digging into my ethnicity, I have to go hats off to Le Chat Noir, also known as The Black Cat. I may have been biased due to the fact that my company was also amazing and I was truly happy in that atmosphere.
      I had this amazing pesto panini that really charmed my tastebuds with satisfaction. Their drinks were strong yet so delicately mixed. The dimness and the fact that its a few staircases up just made it feel small (in a good way) and tucked away. I LOVE it there. It's cute as well. So thanks to staff there that make it incredible.
Until tomorrow. <3loves

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 02 - What Makes Me Happy

Well I guess this isn't going to be very hard. I guess I could just list. Would be easier. I have a large heart, here it goes.

  • My Liam
  • Shawn
  • Milo my beloved kittyface
  • Buddha
  • Ballet
  • Dancing
  • Rain
  • Tea
  • Meditating
  • Yoga
  • Animals
These are a few of my favorite things. :) No but really. My home filled with amazing people and animals makes me the happiest. Of course, how could that NOT be my number one? Buddha because he's the teacher of my happiness, which goes with the yoga and meditation. Clear mind.
  Tea is exceptionally wonderful, and I have quite the little addiction to it. Dancing however will always remain a huge success to my happiness. Ballet, Contemporary and Salsa will always be my beloved weaknesses.
Animals because ...well they are just cute and amazingly fluffy. I get to work with them and that makes me feel lucky.
Helping people gives me one of the most satisfying feelings ever. Pay it forward.

And then there is the rain. Who can deny the beauty of the rain? I dance in the rain.I love it. All these things make me happy. Until tomorrow my friends. <3loves

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 01 - A Day In My Life

Typically a normal day in my life is either extremely hectic or pretty calm and mellow. Also depends on the day of the week.
  Yet it always starts the same. I get woken up. Usually NEVER by alarm, unless you want to talk about Liam banging his bottle on the wall as if to say, "HEY MOM I'M AWAKE, I'LL MAKE SURE YOU ARE TOO." Yeah thanks. Or it's Shawn storming in the room looking for something that is so important it takes loud noises to find it. Either way I'm miserable when I wake up (unless by some miracle I got enough sleep). After I change a beautiful poopy diaper half awake, I storm into the kitchen to make my usually cup of coffee. Now let me break this down. Coffee doesn't work for me anymore, so it's like I'm trying to trick my body to wake up? Yeah I usually just cave and get a Monster Energy Drink.
    Then I go from Cailou to Sesame Street with Liam's breakfast in between. (exciting). When I finally get him down for a nap, I scurry to the bathroom to get myself all pretty for the day. When they say Mom's slap on the makeup, they aren't kidding. I try to make it look nice but at this point I've got too much to do.
       The REST of the day is usually covered by dance or errands or visiting my family. And this is all if I don't have to work..then my post would be short as that's pretty much an all day event.
Dinner. Not exciting.
Games, shows and bed.
Every once and awhile it dramatically changes to something extremely exciting. But, usually involves me finding a sitter. I am a mom and that's how it's going to be for a long time. I LOVE IT.
Until tomorrow. <3loves

I will be starting this 15 day challenge tonight!

15 Day Challenge:

Day 01 → A day in your life.
Day 02 → What makes you happy?
Day 03 → Your favourite place to eat.
Day 04 → Someone who inspires you.
Day 05 → Your idea of a perfect day.
Day 06 → Something you don’t leave the hous
e without.
Day 07 → Songs that remind you of people, places and events.
Day 08 → Someone you didn’t want to let go, but had to.
Day 09 → Fav TV shows: past & present.
Day 10 → Discuss some of the things on your bucket list.
Day 11 → Photos you love.
Day 12 → What’s in your make up bag?
Day 13 → What is your favourite saying and why?
Day 14 → Top 20 songs on your iPod.
Day 15 → Something you are looking forward to
this year.

And here we go again....

Well friends, I had a crazy kind of day. I have to admit though, the good balanced out with the bad.
  First of all, my day never starts off wonderful when I have to take Shawn to work just so I can have the car. He works sooo damn early. Trying to put Liam back to sleep when we got back was unsuccessful. So lack of sleep was my first downfall.
   Round 2. I then finally got my butt up and running and Liam dressed and headed off to Liz's for the ballet shoot, which proved to be difficult as Liam had a fascination with crawling away and us chasing him. Decided time was short anyway and called it off for another day.
 Round 3. I booked it back to Ferndale, dropped off Liam and then sped back to ballet (AT RUSH HOUR MIND YOU). This is where it got tough.
Round 4. My body did not want to move with my mind...creating some demonic forcefield against my body and I was tense and stiff the entire time. Re-doing simple moves that a 5 year old would know. I felt defeated and frustrated. Had to leave in a hurry. Picked up Shawn and Liam and finally got to sit down.
Round 5. The 4th Pirates of the Caribbean movie sucked. Don't bother.
   Anyway, my day was simple yet frustrating and complicated. If I had to sum it up in two words it would probably be "lesson learned" Don't rush everywhere because it's only going to irritate you and piss you off.
OH! and the vote for the strike is this week. We will see how it goes. It exhausts me to think about it. I need to stretch. Until next time my friends

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Few changes to come.

Fall is bringing new changes for me. Exciting ones. I have met some incredible people. Danced with incredible people and in incredible studios and work with some of the coolest women in Bellingham. Even though everything is still a crazy rollercoaster I feel like its the start of stuff that needs to happen. I get really frustrated with those breezing through life. They will learn.
    Last night was incredible, going out for the game and a drink with my best bud Liz, turning out to the best chitchat with the guys from Whose Line/Improvaganza. Definitely was refreshing to be among amazing company. I sorely missed my little one. Who will be one in ten days, and I'm just so overwhelmed with amazement. He truly is the light of my life. He also is smarter than you think.
  We carved pumpkins today and he wanted nothing to do with it. Something about the gooey ooze inside of a pumpkin didn't suit him well. Was actually entertaining, once we broke out the fingerpaint he felt at home.
  Tomorrow will be insane as I have a dance photo session , ballet and juggling between the cars and Shawns work schedule and still the possibility of a strike. Makes my head spin. Until next time my friends. <3loves. 

A New Beginning.

This is definitely going to take time...getting used to this blog thing. I'm going to post every night during my momma time. So this post will be a test run. testing testing 123. Alright I've got it.. :)