Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 01 - A Day In My Life

Typically a normal day in my life is either extremely hectic or pretty calm and mellow. Also depends on the day of the week.
  Yet it always starts the same. I get woken up. Usually NEVER by alarm, unless you want to talk about Liam banging his bottle on the wall as if to say, "HEY MOM I'M AWAKE, I'LL MAKE SURE YOU ARE TOO." Yeah thanks. Or it's Shawn storming in the room looking for something that is so important it takes loud noises to find it. Either way I'm miserable when I wake up (unless by some miracle I got enough sleep). After I change a beautiful poopy diaper half awake, I storm into the kitchen to make my usually cup of coffee. Now let me break this down. Coffee doesn't work for me anymore, so it's like I'm trying to trick my body to wake up? Yeah I usually just cave and get a Monster Energy Drink.
    Then I go from Cailou to Sesame Street with Liam's breakfast in between. (exciting). When I finally get him down for a nap, I scurry to the bathroom to get myself all pretty for the day. When they say Mom's slap on the makeup, they aren't kidding. I try to make it look nice but at this point I've got too much to do.
       The REST of the day is usually covered by dance or errands or visiting my family. And this is all if I don't have to work..then my post would be short as that's pretty much an all day event.
Dinner. Not exciting.
Games, shows and bed.
Every once and awhile it dramatically changes to something extremely exciting. But, usually involves me finding a sitter. I am a mom and that's how it's going to be for a long time. I LOVE IT.
Until tomorrow. <3loves

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